xlOil Core Functions

This page describes the worksheet functions registered by the xlOil core, which should always be available when xlOil is running.

xloRef: adds a value or array to the cache


Adds the specified value or range or array to the object cache and returns a string reference.

See Cached Excel Objects

xloVal: Retrives a value from the Excel data cache


Given a reference string, returns a stored array or value. Cached values are not saved with the workbook so will need to be recreated by forcing a full recalc (press Ctrl-Alt-F9) when the workbook is opened

See Cached Excel Objects

xloHelp: returns help on an xlOil registered function


Returns a two column array containing the help information passed to Excel’s function wizard when the function was registered. The first row contains the function name and the main help string. Subsequent rows contain argument names and their associated help.

In the function wizard all help strings are limited to 256 characters. xloHelp does not have this limitation.

xloLog: flushes the log file and returns its location


The xlOil log is only flushed (written to file) occasionally or when an error or warning occurs. Executing this function flushes the log and returns the location of the log file (by default this is the same directory as the settings file).

Setting the ShowWindow parameter causes xlOil’s log window to appear. This doesn’t display the contents of the entire log file but only the most recent log messages.

xloVersion: returns information on the xlOil version


Returns a two-column array of version information.