xlOil Python Debugging

Visual Studio

Visual Studio Pro with Python Tools installed can break into xlOil python code. Attach to the relevant Excel process selecting both Python & Native debugging.

Exception Debugging

xlOil can be configured to break into a debugger when an exception occurs in user code. To do this execute the following in a loaded module:

import xloil.debug

Alternatively, excecute =xloPyDebug(“pdb”) in a cell; give no argument to turn off debugging.

Current debuggers supported are:

  • ‘pdb’: opens a console window with pdb active at the exception point

  • ‘vs’: uses ptvsd (Python Tools for Visual Studio) to enable Visual Studio or VS Code to connect via a remote session. Connection is on the default settings i.e. localhost:5678. This means your lauch.json in VS Code should be:

        "name": "Attach (Local)",
        "type": "python",
        "request": "attach",
        "localRoot": "${workspaceRoot}",
        "port": 5678,

    A breakpoint is also set a the exception site.

  • None: Turns off exception debugging

If exception_debug is specified more than once, the last value is used. It is a global but not persistent setting.