xlOil C++ Object HandlesΒΆ

It is often convenient to pass a pointer to an in-memory object from one function to another in a way which generalises Cached Excel Objects. xlOil makes this very straightforward:

    cacheOut(const ExcelObj& val)
    auto key = makeCached<int>(val.toInt());
    return returnValue(key);

    cacheIn(const ExcelObj& cacheKey)
    auto* val = getCached<int>(cacheKey.asPString());
    return returnValue(val ? *val : 0);

The cache key or handle returned looks <UnusualChar>[Book1]Sheet1!R1C1,A. The leading character allows rapid rejection of invalid cache strings; it is unique per cached object type.

Cached objects do not persist when a spreadsheet is closed, but Excel does not know to recalculate the cells which generate the cache handles when a spreadsheet is opened, so a full recalc must be manually performed with Ctrl-Alt-F9. To avoid this requirement, you can make the functions which generate the handles RTD, but this carries some overhead.