xlOil Python Distributing Addins

We might like to distribute our code as a packaged addin so users don’t have to edit their xlOil.ini to load it. To do this, run the following at a command prompt:

xloil create myaddin.xll

This will create a myaddin.xll and myaddin.ini in the current directory. By default, the XLL will try to load myaddin.py in the same directory, so let’s create it:

import xloil as xlo

def MySum(x, y, z):
    '''Adds up numbers'''
    return x + y + z

Now drop myaddin.xll into an Excel session and try to use MySum.

Users of myaddin.xll will need access to a python distribution which contains the xlOil package, however they do not need the xlOil XLL addin installed.

In fact the myaddin.ini created by the above process is much more complicated that necessary. The minimum required file is simply:

Plugins = ["xlOil_Python"]

This relies on the user having an %APPDATA%\xlOil\xlOil.ini which gives the location of the xlOil binaries and the python installation to use. If you want to change the python location or remove the requirement that the xlOil addin is installed, see below.

Pointing the addin to a python distribution

You can modify the PYTHONEXECUTABLE and PATH environment variables in myaddin.ini to point to any python installation, for example of a shared drive for ease of distribution.

However, if a user of myaddin.xll has an ini file at %APPDATA%\xlOil\xlOil.ini the core xlOil.dll is loaded using those settings before myaddin.ini is processed. The assumption that the user has the xlOil addin installed in Excel.

Since only one instance of xlOil and only one python interpreter can be hosted in Excel, one settings file must take precedence. You can make your addin take precedence using the LoadBeforeCore flag in myaddin.ini.

Installing the Addin

If you copy myaddin.xll and myaddin.ini to your %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART directory, you’ll notice that Excel opens the ini file, which is not ideal! xlOil will look for myaddin.ini in %APPDATA%\xlOil, so install the ini to there. You’ll also need to choose a directory to hold your python modules and ensure myaddin.ini points to it: %APPDATA%\xlOil\myaddin could be a sensible choice.