xlOil Built-in Worksheet Functions

The the important xloRef and xloVal functions are described at Cached Excel Objects

xloPyLoad: import and scan a python module (worksheet function)

xloImport(ModuleName: str, From=None, As=None)

Loads functions from a module and registers them in Excel. The functions do not have to be decorated. Provides an analogue of from X import Y as Z


A module name or a full path name to a target py file. If empty, the workbook module with the same name as the calling workbook is (re)loaded.


If omitted, imports the specified module as normal, i.e. xloil.scan_module. If a value or array, registers only the specified object names. If “*”, all objects are registered.


Optionally specifies the Excel function names to register in the same order as From. Should have the same length as From.

See xloil.import_functions

xloAttr(Object, Name: str, *Args, **Kwargs)
Returns the named attribute value, or the result of calling it if possible. ie, ``object.attr``
or ``object.attr(*args, *kwargs)`` if it is a callable.

The target object


The name of the attribute to be returned. The attribute can be a bound method, member, property, method, function or class


If the attribute is callable, it will be called using these positional arguments


If the attribute is callable, it will be called using these keyword arguments

xloAttrObj(Object, Name: str, *Args, **Kwargs)
Returns the value of named attribute or the result of calling the attribute.  Behaves like
`xloAttr` except always returns a cache object (see :ref:`xlOil_Python/TypeConversion:Cached Objects`).

This function is useful to stop the default conversion to Excel, for example when returning an iterable. A typical use is when chaining =xloAttrObj calls.


See Selecting the debugger programmatically