xlOil Python Type Conversion

Argument Types

xlOil function declarations in python look like:

def DoSomething(x, y:float):
  return x

If no type is specified for an argument, xlOil will dynamically choose a type based on the argument provied by Excel, this can be one of:

  • bool

  • int

  • str

  • float

  • numpy.ndarray (if an array or range is passed)

  • xloil.CellError

Using typing annotations improves performance at the expense of static typing. Annonations also allow for user-defined conversion to any python type. xlOil has built-in support for the following annotations:

Supported argument annotations








Use the xloil.Array annotation rather than ndarray directly


Requires a 2-column input array. The first column is interpreted as keys


Gives a tuple of tuple-of-tuples depending on number of input dimensions


See Dates


See Dates


Can use the xloil.pandas.PDFrame annotation for more conversion options. Need to import xloil.pandas before use.


Need to import xloil.pandas before use.


See Range Arguments


See Range Arguments


See Custom Type Conversion

Annotations which xlOil does not understand are ignored.


def pySumNums(x: float, y: float, a: int = 2, b: int = 3) -> float:
    return x * a + y * b

Return Types

Like argument types, xlOil can read return type annotations. If no annotation is specified xlOil tries the following conversions:

If none of these succeeds, the object is placed in the cache, see Cached Objects

Supported return type annotations








Use the xloil.Array annotation rather than ndarray directly


Outputs a 2-column array of key, value pairs


A tuple of tuple-of-tuples produces a 1 or 2 dim array


See Dates


See Dates


Can use the xloil.pandas.PDFrame annotation for more conversion options. Need to import xloil.pandas before use.


Need to import xloil.pandas before use.


See Returning Images and Plots


See Returning Images and Plots


Placed the return value in the python object cache, see Cached Objects.


Ensures the output will be a single cell value, not an array.


See Custom Return Conversion

Cached Objects

If xlOil cannot convert a returned python object to Excel, it will place it in an object dictionary and return a reference string of the form


xlOil automatically resolves cache string passed function arguments to their objects. With this mechanism you can pass python objects opaquely between functions. You should not attempt to construct a cache string directly.

For example:

def make_lambda(pow):
    return lambda x: x ** pow

def apply_lambda(f, x):
    return f(x)

Since xlOil cannot convert a lambda function to an Excel object, it outputs a cache reference string. That string is automatically turned back into a lambda if passed as an argument to the second function.

The python cache is separate to the Core object cache accessed using xloRef and xloVal. The Core cache stores native Excel objects such as arrays. When reading functions arguments xlOil tries to lookup strings in both of these caches.

The leading <UniqueChar> means xlOil can very quickly determine that a string isn’t a cache reference, so the overhead of checking if every string argument is a cache object is very low in practice.


Applying the argument annotation datetime.datetime requests a date conversion. Returning a datetime is allowed without a return annotation: the datetime will be converted to an Excel date number:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def AddDay(date: datetime):
    return date + timedelta(days = 1)

xlOil can interpret strings as dates. In the settings file, the key DateFormats specifies an array of date formats to try when parsing strings. Naturally, adding more formats decreases performance. The formats use the C++ std::get_time syntax, see https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/manip/get_time.

Since std::get_time is case-sensitive on Windows, so is xlOil’s date parsing (this may be fixed in a future release as it is quite annoying for month names).

Excel has limited internal support for dates. There is no primitive date object but cells containing numbers can be formatted as dates. This means that worksheet functions cannot tell whether numerical values are intended as dates - this applies to Excel built-in date functions as well. (It is possible to check for date formatting via the COM interface but this would give behaviour inconsistent with the built-ins)

Excel does not understand timezones and neither does std::get_time, so these are currently unsupported.


When the dict argument type annotation is specified, xlOil expects a two-column array of(string, value) to be passed.

Using a dict return type annotation allows a dict to be returned as as a two column array. Without the annotation, the default iterable converter would be invoked, resulting in only the keys being output.

Variable and Keyword Arguments

If keyword args (**kwargs) are specified, xlOil expects a two-column array of (string, value) to be passed, the same as using a dict annotation. For variable args (*args) xlOil adds a large number of trailing optional arguments. The variable argument list is ended by the first missing argument. If both kwargs and args are specified, their order is reversed in the Excel function declaration.

The following example shows dictionary and keyword aruments:

def pyTestKwargs(lookup: dict, **kwargs) -> dict:
    return lookup

The number of trailing optional arguments is limited by the maxiumum number of arguments allowed by Excel, which is 255 for a worksheet function and 60 for a local function.

Range Arguments

Range arguments allow a function to directly access a part of the worksheet. This allows macro functions to write to the worksheet or it can be used for optimisation if a function only requires a few values from a large input range.

A function can only receive range arguments if it is declared as macro-type. In addition, attempting to write to a Range during Excel’s calculation cycle will fail.

Annotating an argument with xlo.Range will tell xlOil to pass the function an Range object, or fail if this is not possible. An Range can only be created when the input argument explicitly points to a part of the worksheet, not an array output from another function.

Annotating an argument with xlo.AllowRange will tell xlOil to pass an Range object if possible, otherwise one of the other basic data types (int, str, array, etc.).

Custom Type Conversion

A custom type converter is a function or a class which serialises between a set of simple types understood by Excel and general python types.

A type converter class is expected to implement at least one of read(self, val) and write(self, val) and be decorated with xloil.converter(). It may take parameters in its constructor and hold state.

A function can be interpreted as a type reader or writer depending on the parameters passed to the xloil.converter() decorator.

The read(self, val) method or a function decorated as a reader or argument converter should be able to accept a value of:

int, bool, float, str, xloil.ExcelArray, CellError, xloil.Range (optional)

and return a python object or raise an exception (ideally xloil.CannotConvert).

An xloil.ExcelArray represents an un-processed array argument, a handle to the raw Excel object not yet converted to a numpy array. The converter may opt to process only a part of this array for efficiency.

A converter may be used by name in typing annotations for xloil.func() functions. In addition, the converter can register as the handler for a specific type which enables that type to be used in annotations. For registration, the converter must be default-constructible (or be a function).

By decorating with @xloil.converter(range=True), the type converter can opt to receive Range arguments in addition to the other types.

def arg_doubler(x):
  if isinstance(x, xlo.ExcelArray):
    x = x.to_numpy()
  return 2 * x

def pyTestCustomConv(x: arg_doubler):
  return x

@xlo.converter(typeof=bytes, register=True)
class StrToBytes:
  def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'):
    self._encoding = encoding
  def read(self, val):
    return val.encode(self._encoding)
  def write(self, val):
    return val.decode(self._encoding)

def Pad(text: bytes, size: int) -> StrToBytes('utf-8'):
  return text.center(size)

Custom Return Conversion

A return type converter should take a python object and return a simple type which xlOil knows how to return to Excel. It should raise xloil.CannotConvert if it cannot handle the given object.

It can be a class implementing write(self, val) and decorated with xloil.converter or a function decorated with xloil.returner or xloil.converter.

A return converter can register as the handler for a specific type which enables that type to be used in return annotations and allows xlOil to try to call the converter for Excel functions with no return annotation, see Return Types.

@xlo.returner(typeof=MyType, register=True)
def mytypename(val):
  return val.__name__

def MakeMyType():
  return MyType()

Returning Images and Plots

By using custom return converters you can return PIL or pillow image objects from worksheet functions. The returned image can be automatically sized to the calling range, or any offset from it, but it floats like a normal picture in Excel. Calling the worksheet function again removes the previous image and replaces it with a new one.

import xloil.pillow
from PIL import Image

@xlo.func(macro=True) # macro permissions required
def ShowPic(filename):
    return Image.open(filename)

Importing xloil.pillow registers a custom return converter for PIL.Image. To gain control over the image size and position, use the xloil.pillow.ReturnImage return annotation.

Similarly a matplotlib figure can be returned directly

import xloil.matplotlib

def Plot(x, y):
    fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(5,5))
    fig.add_subplot(111).plot(x, y)
    return fig

Importing xloil.matplotlib registers a custom return converter for matplotlib.pyplot.Figure. To gain control over the plot size and position, use the xloil.matplotlib.ReturnFigure return annotation.

Both of these converters use xloil.insert_cell_image.