xlOil SQL

The SQL plugin uses sqlite3 to provide functions which query Excel arrays (or ranges) as if they were tables in a database. Multiple tables can be queried and joined.

SQL Getting Started

xlOil_SQL does not require any settings and is automatically loaded in a default xlOil installation. It should appear in the plugin list in %APPDATA%/xlOil/xlOil.ini:


You can open the example spreadsheet at Example sheets to see it in action.

For a quick demo, create a 3 column table of data in an new Excel workbook. Make the headings ‘Foo’, ‘Bar’ and ‘Baz’. The contents of the data can be anything you like.

Suppose the table is in cells A1:C5, then in another cell type

=xloSql("SELECT Bar, Baz FROM Table1", A1:C5)

Make the output an array formula with Ctrl-Shift-Enter and size it appropriately.

xloSql: executes a query on multiples data arrays

xloSql(Query, [Meta, ][Table1, ][Table2, ][Table3, ]...)

Excecutes the SQL query on the provided tables, returning the result in an array. The tables will be named Table1, Table2, etc in the query but this can overrided by the meta parameter


a string or array of string (which will be concatenated) describing a query in SQL (sqlite3).


optional array of string. The first column contains the names of the tables. Subsequent columns are interpreted as column headings for the table. Providing a blank table name or few names than tables results in the un-named tables retaining their default name of tableN


each table argument should point to an array of data with columns as fields and records as rows. Unless column names are specified in the meta, the first row is interpreted as column names


(Arguments pointing to array data are surrouned by {})

=xloSql("SELECT table1.A, B, C FROM table1 ",  { A    B  } , { A     C } )
        "INNER JOIN table2                 "   { Foo  1  }   { Bar   2 } )
        "ON table1.A == table2.A           "   { Baz  7  }   { Foo   3 } )

--> Foo 1 3

Stateful Database Functions

This family of functions can be used to build up and repeatedly query an in-memory database for cases where building the database on the fly using xloSql: executes a query on multiples data arrays is not performant.



Returns a reference to a new database object. The functions xloSqlDB, xloSqlTable and xloSqlQuery can be used to build up an in-memory database for the cases where building these objects on the fly using xloSql: executes a query on multiples data arrays is not performant.


xloSqlTable(Database, Data, Name[, Headings][, Query])

Creates a table in a database created with xloSqlDB. The function returns a reference to the database: it is recommended to chain xloSqlTable calls to force execution order in Excel. This ensures tables are added to the database before any queries are run


a reference to a database created with xloSqlDB.


an array of data with columns as fields and records as rows. Unless column headings are specified, the first row is interpreted as column names


The name of the table in the database. This must be unique.


optional column headings for the data. If these are specified, data is read from the first input row


An optional query to process the data as it is copied into the database. If ommitted, “SELECT * FROM name” is used.


xloSqlQuery(Database, Query)

A reference to a database originally created with xloSqlDB but which has passed through calls to xloSqlTable.


A SQL query to execute. Tables referenced in the query must have been added to the database by xloSqlTable before this function is called.


.              A                               B       C       D
1 =xloSqlDB()                                  MyTab   Foo     Bar
2                                                      7       2
3 =xloSqlTable(A1, C1:D4, B1)                          4       1
4                                                      8       4
6 =xloSqlQuery(A3, "SELECT Bar FROM MyTab")

Cell A6 will contain the array [2, 1, 4]



Returns an array of all table names in the database