xlOil External Package Support

xlOil has built-in converters for several external libraries


Pandas support can be enabled in xlOil with:

import xloil.pandas

This registers a return converter which allows pandas dataframes to be returned from Excel functions in a table format. If the function always returns a dataframe it is more performant to specify pandas.DataFrame as the return type annotation.

It also defines an argument converter for the annotation pandas.DataFrame. This expects a two dimensional array with headings in the first row.

To gain more control over the DataFrame conversion, use the annotion xloil.pandas.PDFrame.

For example,

def getDataField(data: PDFrame(headings=True), columnName):
    return data[columnName]

See xlOil Python Examples for more examples.


Importing xloil.matplotlib defines a return converter so matplotlib figures can be returned from worksheet functions. By default they are resized to the cell. Subseqent figures returned from the same cell overwrite previous ones. Returning a figure requires setting macro=True in the xloil.func declaration.

import xloil.matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot

def pyTestPlot(x, y, **kwargs):
    fig = pyplot.figure()
    ax.plot(x, y, **kwargs)
    return fig

def pyTestPlot(x, y, width, height, **kwargs):
    fig = pyplot.figure()
    ax.plot(x, y, **kwargs)
    return xloil.matplotlib.ReturnFigure(size=(width, height), pos='top')(fig)

PIL / pillow

Importing xloil.pillow defines a return converter so PIL images can be returned from worksheet functions. By default they are resized to the cell. Subseqent images returned from the same cell overwrite previous ones. Returning an image requires setting macro=True in the xloil.func declaration.

import xloil.pillow
from PIL import Image

def pyTestPic():
    im = Image.open("MyPic.jpg")
    return im