Distributing xlOil Addins

You can distribute your own package of code and plugins by renaming a copy of xloil.xll and creating an assoicated ini file.

In C++, there is the option to compile a static XLL, independent of xlOil.dll, see xlOil C++ Static XLLs. In this case, distribution is simple: copy the XLL and ensure and DLLs you may have linked are on the user’s PATH.


Python users can make use the of xlOil installer, see xlOil Python Distributing Addins which will correctly set the paths in xlOil.ini for the distribution it is run under.


Suppose you have created a plugin as described in xlOil C++ Getting Started called my_plugin.dll.

Copy xloil.xll as myaddin.xll. Create a myaddin.ini file in the same directory which contains:

Plugins = ["my_plugin"]


The directory c:\path\to\DLLs must contain your my_plugin.dll and xlOil.dll. Alternatively you simply include all the DLLs in the same directory as myaddin.xll.

If you copy myaddin.xll to %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART to have Excel load it, you cannot put myaddin.ini or any other DLLs in the same directory, or Excel will try to load them as well. xlOil will look for myaddin.ini in %APPDATA%\xlOil, so copy the ini file to that location instead.