xlOil C++ Using COM

The root of Excel’s COM interface is Excel.Application which VBA programmers will be familiar with.

The easiest way to work with it in C++ is by importing the type library into your source file - this allows compile time checks and auto-completion and results in faster code. COM objects can be accessed using ‘late-binding’ where methods and properties are queried from the object at runtime, but this clearly limits performance.

In xlOil, the appropriate type library can be imported with the ExcelTypeLib.h header:

#include <xlOil\ExcelTypeLib.h>
#include <xlOil\xlOil.h>
using namespace xloil;

    excelApp().Range[L"A1"]->NumberFormat = L"dd-mm-yyyy";

If ExcelTypeLib.h is included before xlOil.h it adds COM error handling to any worksheet functions declared with XLO_FUNC_START. This is useful because COM throws its own _com_error classes which do not derive from std::exception.

I cannot find a specific Excel/COM/C++ tutorial at this time, but the Excel.Application API documentation is comprehensive.