xlOil C++ RTD functions

In Excel, RTD (real time data) functions are able to return values independently of Excel’s calculation cycle. The classic example of this is a stock ticker with live prices. This is contrasted with Excel’s native async support in Rtd / Async.

Example: Subscription

xlOil wraps the RTD server implementation to make subscription and publication straightfoward as in the following example:

#include <xloil/xlOil.h>
using namespace xloil;

IRtdServer& myRtdServer()
  static shared_ptr<IRtdServer> ptr = newRtdServer();
  static auto backgroundTask = std::async([]()
      // Somehow fetch live prices here
      ptr->publish("SP500", ExcelObj(123));
      ptr->publish("FTSE100", ExcelObj(456));
  return *ptr;

  getStock(const ExcelObj& ticker)
  auto value = myRtdServer().subscribe(tag.toString().c_str());
  return returnValue(value
    ? *value
    : Const::Error(CellError::NA));

Example: Background task

The RTD mechanism can be used to run slow tasks like data fetches or calculations in the background whilst the user continues to interact with Excel. The following demonstrates a simple counter which increments stepwise.

#include <xloil/xlOil.h>
using namespace xloil;

struct Counter : public RtdAsyncTask
  Counter(int iStep) : _iStep(iStep) {}

  int _iStep;

  // This function arranges for the work to be done in the background, but must
  // exit when the `RtdNotifier` requests it
  std::future<void> operator()(RtdNotifier notify) override
    return std::async([=, step = _iStep]()
      int _count = 0;
      while (!notify.cancelled())
        _count += step;

  // When the cell which generated the task is recalculated, xlOil cannot tell
  // whether Excel is calling it with new inputs or RTD triggered the call to get
  // a result. It uses this equality operator to determine if it already has a
  // running task for the given set of inputs
  bool operator==(const IRtdAsyncTask& that_) const override
    const auto* that = dynamic_cast<const Counter*>(&that_);
    if (!that)
      return false;
    return _iStep == that->_iStep;

  rtdCounter(const ExcelObj& step)
  auto value = rtdAsync(
  return returnValue(value ? *value : CellError::NA);